My Firsts

Ahh!!! He Went! He Went!


Ian was sitting at the table having a snack after his nap when all of a sudden he got down. He looked at me and then ran for the bathroom and pointed to his potty seat. We got his diaper off and HE WENT!! He was a little quick in getting up, but my little man knew he had to go and went to the bathroom all on his own. Kind of odd to announce to the world, but it’s exciting for me!

Ian’s Bedroom


After being in the house for two months, I finally got Ian’s bedroom painted and finished. We’re still missing a toy chest/shelf for him, but I heard a rumor that he was going to get one for Christmas, so he’ll have to deal with the boxes for a little bit longer.

While we were roaming the aisles of Lowe’s back when we first moved in, we came across this rug and thought it would be perfect for Ian. He ended up loving it, especially once we found more cars for him to run all over it. After looking at it for a bit, it dawned on me that I could use it as the focus piece for his room and starting designing the room around it.

We originally had a completely different green to go on the bottom half, one we actually used Lowe’s color match system to go with the trees on the rug, but it ended up being really watery and I had to take it back. I’m actually glad I did since I found spring leaves. The color goes really well with the sonic blue that is on the upper half of the walls. Between the two colors, it has a very cartoony feel to it. For the border, we had thought of doing a winding road, but I’m not that confident in my artistic skills so I went with doing just a straight road all the way around. The colors I used were city storm and tangy, and they really go well together.

We also have to thank Aunt Kay for giving us the bookshelf in Ian’s room. The shelf was originally white, but Ian and I (yes he did help) painted it using the sonic blue and spring leaves colors from his wall. We painted the shelves the green and the sides the blue and it works really well. It almost looks like the shelves are a part of the wall if you’re not looking at it to closely.

I’m really pleased with the way Ian’s room turned out. This is his first bedroom and he’ll never get another one, so I wanted it to be a little extra special since I have no idea what we’re going to be able to do in the future. For Ian’s nursery, when it was a part of our room, we had an African/jungle animal theme going and we really didn’t get to do too much since he was in with us for the first 16 months. Now for his toddler years, we’re moving towards a transportation theme and I’m really having fun setting it up for him. The last thing I really need to find (other than wall prints) is a bed set for him. I don’t want to do the cliche thing and get the Disney’s Cars bedset, but I do want to find some kind of car or transportation theme bedset. He’s still in the crib for a bit, so it has to fit his mattress, so I’m on the lookout for one. Any suggestions, let me know.

So what do you guys think?

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Ian’s 1st Smore


Ian had his first smore tonight and did he enjoy it. Considering it had two of his favorite foods – marshmallows and chocolate chip cookies – how could he not. He got it all over him too.

Another Day at the Zoo


2008.08.21-DetroiZoo.18.jpgIan and I spent the day at the zoo today. And I’m talking all day. We were originally suppose to go with our mom’s group, but we were the only ones who wanted to go, so we made a day out of it. When we got to the zoo, we hopped on the train and rode it to the back of the zoo. This was Ian’s first train ride and he loved it. At first, he wasn’t sure what to think about everything and he just sat on my lap and watched the scenario. However, as soon as we started moving, he got the biggest grin on his face. I don’t think it left his face the entire time we were on the train and I want to say the trip was a good 5 minutes. There was two girls and their mother sitting in front of us and they kept looking back at Ian because he was being so cute about the train. Every so often, he would start clapping and get the grin would just get bigger. We did manage to snag a picture of the train.

After the train ride, we checked out a few of the animals, but the next big event was feeding the giraffes. Ian was able to give a giraffe two pieces of cracker, however, Ian wanted to check out the taste of it first. Thankfully, I was able to talk him out of it and when we went up to give it to the giraffe, he was a little hesitate at first. However, he overcame that awfully quick and tried to touch the giraffe. That wasn’t allowed, but we did get a copy pictures. They had a zoo photographer taking pictures for people and he was gracious enough to use my camera for our turn. Instead of taking just one, he took a couple, which was really nice of him.

After the giraffes, we went a saw a bunch of animals. The rhinoceros (rhinoceri?) were actually in a photogenic mood today, so I was able to get a couple of good shots. The hippopotamus was being lazy and sitting in his pool of water (he was lucky). The zoo actually has a really good kangaroo exhibit. You’re allowed in the actual exhibit and can walk among the kangaroos. If they are crossing the street, then we have to let them pass, but we were able to get a lot closer to them than any other animal. However, today they weren’t all that active and were slacking off in the shade. Ian was also able to see a buffalo and we made our way back to the polar bear exhibit, but they weren’t in the tunnel this time. We also saw the grizzly bear and black bear, but they were sticking pretty close to the shade as well.

After the bears, it was time for lunch and we went to the food court near the bears. I brought the majority of our lunch with us, however, I did get something a bit more substantial for me since I mainly brought food for Ian. For being in a crowded area, Ian ate really well and afterwards, he went down for a nap effortlessly. That’s right, Ian had his nap at the zoo. We had actually planned for this and I had brought along a sheet to use as a “stroller cover” so Ian wouldn’t get distracted by all the people. He was out within 5-10 minutes and then I went searching for a nice shady spot. For an hour and a half, Ian slept in his stroller while I read a book. When he woke up, we went back to touring the zoo.

2008.08.21-DetroiZoo.37.jpgAt this point, we were near the monkey exhibits, so we went and checked out the snow monkeys as well as the lemurs. Both were a little active and they were all over the place. I usually give Ian a snack after his nap, and today, he had his with the meerkats. They were located near the lemurs and as we went in to see them, they were getting fed to. I have a really cute picture of Ian sitting on a rock next to their exhibit while eating his crackers. After the meerkats, we went scouting for the tiger (who was napping) and then finally made our way over to the chimps and gorillas. The chimps were inside and taking their afternoon naps, but they started to get a little rowdy before we left. The gorillas were soaking up the shade outside and not in any views of the windows. Kinda of sad, but Ian had fun running around the chimp/gorilla house and even got up close with one of the chimps who had decided to kiss the glass for a bit.

By this time, Ian was getting a little stifled, so we made our way to the PlayVenture area where he got to climb and slide to his hearts content (or until we had to leave, which I think happened first). Ian found out that he could do taller ladders than what he’s been doing and that rope ladders are easier. There was one ladder that he was able to get up pretty easily until he made it to the top. The gap between the platform and the last rung was a bit bigger than normal, so I had to help him up there, but he did the rest all on his own. I’m not sure if I’m crazy about this ladder climbing, but Ian is a boy and he’ll be doing it sooner or later.

By this time, we had managed to make it to all the animal exhibits we had missed the first time except for one. Our last stop of the day was with the penguins and they were really active. The zoo has king penguins, macaroni penguins (macaroni, really?), and one other that I can’t remember. They weren’t the emperor penguins for sure, but it was something else. All of the penguins kept swimming around and walking in straight lines, it was really fun. I don’t think I’ve seen them walk in straight lines before. Well, not in person at least.

Today ended up being a great day to go to the zoo. The weather wasn’t stifling; it was hot, but the humidity was at a decent level and there was a good breeze going on. It seemed like a lot of the animals were taking a holiday today, but they usually do when it gets warmer out. Ian had a blast going through the zoo and I even let him out of the stroller to walk the exhibits on his own a time or two. He’s still a little young to really appreciate the zoo, but once I got his attention on the animals, he seemed to like watching them for a bit. I did manage to take one video today, so I’ll close out the post with that. It’s a short video of the two of us on the train. We were sitting with our backs to the front of the train, so Ian kept watching behinds us, so he doesn’t turn around too often, but he does give you the huge grin he wore for most of the trip.

Ian’s 1st Big Boy Cup


I found some cups for Ian that are not sippy cups. They have little straws built into the sides, so while it doesn’t have a lid, it’s still a good cup to teach Ian with. This was his first use.

Ian’s 1st Ice Cream Cone




So Ian’s first molar broke through the other day- that might explain why he’s been such a brat the last few days. I think they are more on the way- he woke up twice last night screaming bloody murder.

Hurray for children’s motrin.

I’ll try and snag a picture of it if I can get him to hold still later.

Fourth of July


Tonight, we took Ian to see his second fireworks show ever. This year actually resembled a lot like last year except Ian was able to move around A LOT more. We started off the evening with his first experience of having cotton candy. He loved it. Go figure, what kid doesn’t love straight sugar. I think Jesse and Ian ate 3/4 of the bag within the first 10-15 minutes. It’s no wonder Ian was all over the place. We also got Ian one of those glow strings that can turn into a necklace…you know the ones, the ones that everyone tries to hawk at this events. He had a blast with it and liked to toss it around, put it over his head, basically do anything he could with it.

Once the fireworks actually started, he sat right down and watched the show. This really only lasted about halfway through the display and then he got bored and wanted to move around. Much like last year, except he didn’t have a choice about leaving since he wasn’t mobile at the time. We actually left the park halfway through and got to our car just about the time of the grand finale. It made leaving a whole lot easier, so Jesse and I weren’t too bummed about missing out on the spectacle.

Overall, I think Ian had a fun time tonight. We ended up getting to the park a good hour and half early and it was a really good thing we did too. There were a ton of people there and parking was hard to find. We ended up about 1/4-1/2 a mile away, but the walk wasn’t all that bad.



So for the 4th night in a row, Jackie took Ian’s diaper off, got his bath ready, and put him on his little training potty and when she took him off to put him in the tub, he had peed.

Good job Ian. Lets hope you pick up the rest fast.

Ian’s First Birthday Party!


Today we had Ian’s first birthday party. All the grandparents, Aunt Lori & Uncle Jayson, and Adrian all showed up to help celebrate the day with us. We met for some good food at Eastside Marios, Ian opened up all his presents and then he dug into his cake. And I do mean he literally dug in. He had his own little cake just for the occasion (so he didn’t ruin the one the rest of us ate) and he just had a ball. It was all over his face, shirt, socks, and pants. At one point, he decided he didn’t like all the people laughing at him or taking his pictures (or something), so he had to go to mama who also enjoyed getting cake on herself. It was fun cleaning him up in the restroom. He wasn’t crazy about it, but once he saw himself in the mirror, he started having fun.

Overall, the whole party was a success. All the grandparents had fun with him. He got some really good toys – Thanks Nana & Grandpa Jerry for the shoes, Aunt Lori & Uncle Jay for the nifty flashlight and bath toys, Grandma & Grandpa Morgan for all the books (they play music too), Gramps for the DVD player (so we can watch the Muppets ALL the time), and Adrian for the monkey and bath toys. He also received the Muppet Show season 2 from us a couple of weeks ago and today he got to open up some clothes and a Muppet CD.

After the party and the cake, the three of us went over to the hotel where Aunt Lori & Uncle Jay were staying so Ian could go swimming. He was originally going to take a nap before going over there, but the sugar high kind of prevented that. :) He had a blast swimming in the pool and even had fun dunking with Gramps.

I’ll include some of the pictures from his party here (after I get them all, which might be a couple of days), but for all of them, just out the photo gallery. There are just too many to put up. Oh yeah, don’t forget to check out the video of Ian and his cake.

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