Year 02




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Potty + Matchbox = Score!


Ian has started potty training.  Yup, it’s officially…he wants to.  That’s the beautiful part.  Ian loves his potty seat and he has told us a couple of different times that he has to use the potty.  Since we’re going ahead with the training, Jesse and I started a rewards program that will hopefully  help Ian stick to this and get potty trained sooner rather than later.  What we’re doing is giving Ian a matchbox car every time he tells us he has to go and he does.  We just started this after Thanksgiving, but he’s already earned 3 of them.  Although, the first two were within a couple of hours of each other, but he so deserved them.  The second time, he was in the bath when he told me he had to go.  Out he came and he went directly to his seat.  Man was I glad he went on the potty for that change.

The only downside I’m seeing to this is Ian now wants to be on his potty all the time.  I can’t see this being a problem, but now we need to make sure he realizes that he only gets a car whenever he tells us and he goes.  Not just when he tells us and he sits on the potty and there are no results.

I know people have said to use stickers or suckers in the past, but I don’t want stickers all over my house (or on a chart, Ian wouldn’t get that just yet), and I’m not crazy about Ian having suckers right now.  Ian is really into cars right now and he doesn’t have that many matchbox cars.  In fact, I think I can count them all on one hand and Jesse was wanting to get him more.  So we figure using a $1 toy as a reward would end up paying for itself if Ian gets out of the diapers sooner rather than later.



This Santa was really good. Ian was more interested in the objects around Santa than Santa himself (a man with a beard…not new people), so we had a bit of a problem getting him to sit with Santa. He wanted to explore! So Mr. Claus had us take a couple of different shots, with Ian starting out sitting on the train and then moving to Santa’s lap. It worked out well and I got a bunch of different shots of Ian and Santa!

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Thanksgiving @ the Morgans


Ian was being a little clingy after Thanksgiving dinner today (without his regular nap, not totally unexpected), so Uncle Jamie kept him occupied for a little bit and took him upstairs.  Jesse comes up to me and says “Ian is with Jamie, you should go rescue him”.  “You go rescue him, I don’t see why I should be worried.”

Yeaaah, those were famous last words.  Jesse goes up and checks on him and finds Jamie and Ian and then runs down for the camera.  All I can say is I have complete trust….

And then I remembered why I don’t leave my camera laying around for Ian to find.  I didn’t even know he took this until I was uploading the pictures from the camera to my laptop.  The audio on it is hilarious.

1st Homemade Haircut


Check out my men! We went out and bought some hair trimmers and gave them our first home done haircuts. I have to say, I think they turned out rather well. It took us a couple of different times to get Ian done, but he looks so adorable.



Jayson and Lori have been teaching Ian to sign what he wants and he’s supposedly doing it in this video, but I’m not sure what the sign is. Either way, here’s a video of Ian with his Uncle Jayson.

Updated to add more description from Lori:

the signing he is doing is for more and please. more is touching your fingers together and please in the up and down on his stomach… it is suppose to be with just one hand, however, ian is doing it with both, same thing

I was late to work today


Because for the 3rd night in a row, Ian slept soundly- from the time I left the room after reading (around 8:30pm) to the time I went in to wake him up (8:50am), he barely made a peep- just one wail of complaint when I closed the door.

This is so much better. I made sure to thank him when I went to get him- he was already awake and reading a book, still under his covers.

I didn’t mind being late to work today.

I Love These Phone Calls


Jackie: hello?
Jesse: there is POO everywhere!
Jackie: what?
Jesse: the prune juice worked. POO! POO!

Then I started busting out laughing. It never fails. Ian fills his diaper when I’m not home and it’s always a sight to see when he does it for Jesse. Hehe Or so I’m told. Now I need to go find new sheets.

Later that night…

Jesse: this is why I saved the diaper.

Nights of Hell


So this is what we’ve been dealing with for the past three nights.

Saturday night, Ian went to sleep fine, but he woke up about 2am and would not go back to sleep.  Jesse and I ended up reading to him for over an hour before he fell asleep.  Although, he did sleep until 10:30 Sunday morning.

Last night, I was probably the worse…he wakes up about 4am and screams his head off for me to come see him.  I go in there, comfort him a little and he calms down almost instantly, and I lay him back in his crib.  He then starts screaming again.  I tell him to lay down and sit in his rocker and he calms down.  When I thought he was sleeping, I would try and sneak out, but he would wake up and start screaming.  I had to sit in his chair for 2 hours this morning.

And then tonight, Jesse had the same problem…

Ian has been screaming, unprompted for hours for the last 2 days. Doc says let him scream it out, but I wanted video of what we were dealing with.

Table Walking


I don’t know what it is, but Ian walking under this table was just amusing to me. Maybe it was the way he was walking, but he felt the need to go back and forth underneath it a few times.

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