Year 01

Just like daddy…


I can’t remember what he was doing, but Jesse was messing with Draccus and Jaxon out in the living room and Ian just had to see what was going on. He was so curious about what Jesse was doing, that we couldn’t keep him away.
Ian Ian

I can’t remember if I’ve said anything in the past, but Ian has started to figure out that he can stand on his own. He’s not doing it for long periods of time, but he’s been able to do it for longer and longer. It’s almost as if he can do it as long as he doesn’t realize it. Once you point it out, that’s when he falls down.

Ian Ian Ian Ian Ian

Kermit Rules!


The one thing Jesse has put his foot down about is that he doesn’t want Ian to get caught up in the “child fabs” – aka Barney, Blues Clues, Elmo, Teletubbies, Dora the Explorer, etc. However, he doesn’t have a problem with the Muppets. In fact, neither does Ian.

Our cable went out tonight so we decided to watch some Muppets (we have season 1, but we need season 2) and Ian can’t get enough of them. At the moment, Ian can’t get close enough to Kermit or Frozie and he’s just riveted to the TV. We’re going to have to be careful when we have the Muppets on.

2am Playtime


So yeah, last night Ian decides to wake up about 2am. I try comforting him in his crib since he’s not sitting up yet. That didn’t last long. He sits up and I bring him out into the living room to rock. Oh my god, you would have thought I was smothering the poor boy. He did not want to rock, be held, nothing. He was throwing such a fit and at 2am in the morning. So I put him on the floor and he’s as happy as a lark. He races off to his toy chest and starts to play. Since he’s happy now, I go to pick him up so we can rock and go back to sleep. Again with the screaming and fidgeting. Put him back on the floor….smiles and laughs all around. My son wanted to get up and play at 2am.

By this time, Jesse and I are both up and we’re trying to figure out what to do. Ian doesn’t want to cuddle or go back to sleep, but both of us want him to sleep because we’re tired. So we decide that Jesse is going to stay up with Ian, while I go back to bed and get some sleep. The theory is he can sleep in, while I normally get up with Ian in the morning. Plus Jesse was already on his laptop and he was saying he wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing Ian was up anyway.

I should also mention that we had already tried giving him a 4oz bottle (he’s only been getting 4oz since we’re trying to wean him off of a night bottle). He took it and wanted to go back to playing. After I was able to sleep for about 30 minutes, while Jesse and Ian were in the living room, I get back up and fix Ian a 6oz bottle. He takes that with no problem and still wants to play. So I decide, if he wants to play, he can do it in his crib while we sleep. That lasted all of 5 minutes. However, I was able to get him to go back to sleep after a few minutes. I’m not sure how long it took me, but the last time I saw the clock, it said 3am.

If he does this to us tonight, he’s going to play in his crib. I have had to do that in the past; where Ian gets up for his bottle, but doesn’t want to go back to sleep. I’ve been able to put him in his crib and he’ll jabber away for a bit before going back to sleep. For some reason, it didn’t work last night.

Burrito Time!


So at Jackie’s goading, I prepared Ian’s first burrito. Lets see what we have on here…

Refried beans, seasoned beef, onions, taco cheese, black olives, tomatoes, guacamole, sour cream, and lettuce…

Ian got 1/3 of it, I finished the rest for him…

Will it Blend?

and the final reaction…

All in all he seemed to like it. Good boy.

10th Month Milestones


from Enfamil
New Attention Grabbers
Forget the toys. Babies are fascinated by everyday objects. Your baby would rather play with car keys, pots, pans and the remote control.

And soon she’ll take this fascination to a new level. At around 10 months, babies start imitating everyday behavior. So your 10-month-old may try to use the phone, brush her hair or stir her cereal with her finger. This is more than simply having fun. Your baby is learning through observation.

Social Communication
Most babies learn the meaning of the word “no” at around this age. And although your baby probably won’t say it, she will understand it. Saying “no” firmly and clearly is a good way to set limits. Especially when your baby’s safety is at stake.

Don’t be surprised if your 10-month-old starts shaking her head from side to side when she doesn’t want to do something. This head shake is one of the earliest gestures babies make.

Separation Wariness
This month your baby may start acting a bit funny around strangers. What happened to your sweet, affectionate, outgoing child? “She’s not usually like this,” you say when she cowers and cries around relatives or friends.

Parents often feel embarrassed and anxious when their babies get “clingy.” But stranger wariness and its twin, separation wariness, are actually healthy signs. The fact that she’s experiencing them means your baby is learning the difference between familiar and unfamiliar situations.

She’s also learning about object permanence. Meaning she’s beginning to understand that things continue to exist even when she can’t see them.

Separation wariness occurs because your baby knows you’re out there somewhere and she wants you back.

Brain Teaser
Did you know……development in the brain’s frontal cortex is associated with solving problems and controlling emotions?

A Mind of Her Own
As your little one prepares to walk, she knows her independence in all kinds of ways. Master of her universe, she cruises around her crib, taking small, then big steps. And now, she responds to things with extra emphasis.

Like shaking her head when she says no. She’s not only expressing herself, she’s trying to do grown-up things she’s observed. That may include using a hair brush on her delicate locks, or picking up the phone to make a call.

Your Daily Vitamin D
Your baby needs vitamin D as part of a balanced diet. Among other things, vitamin D helps develop strong bones and teeth by aiding in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It’s easy to make sure your growing baby gets enough vitamin D by feeding her Enfamil® NEXT STEP® LIPIL® milk-based toddler formula. If she doesn’t take at least 17 fluid ounces of formula daily, ask your doctor about a vitamin supplement.

Getting Used to Independence
While your baby is enjoying her new independence, she may have other feelings about it, too. You may notice that she’s becoming a little more clingy now and then. Or she may boldly crawl away from you, then look frightened if she can’t find you. Experts call it separation anxiety, and it’s very normal at this stage. Your love and patience will help her find the balance between needing Mom and needing to be her own little person.

See What’s Coming

  • See how your baby is stepping up to the plate.
  • It’s time to start reading him stories.

9 Months!


Ian-mo09 Ian-mo08Ian had his nine month check up today and he is now a total of 22lbs 8oz and is 28.5 inches long. That puts him in the 75-90 percentile for his weight and the 50-75 percentile for his height; his head is 18.25 inches (which is in the 50-75 percentile). This time around, he didn’t receive any vaccinations, but he did receive the first round of a flu shot. We have to go back in a month to get the second round, but we’ll probably do that after the new year. They also took a urine and blood sample; both came back fine. Ian did really well with both the shot and when they drew blood. The nurse was able to give him the shot without a word from Ian. It wasn’t until we both looked at him and noticed he was doing fine that he decided to tear up. It didn’t last long though; he became distracted when the nurse started taking blood. He just watched her and was trying to figure out what was going on. He continued to flirt with the nurses and tried escaping down the halls a couple of times. His next check-up with be at 12 months, so not until March. One other thing we did learn, Ian will start getting a mouth full of teeth. The Doc said that they should start coming in faster and that they shouldn’t bother him too much, at least not until the 12 month molars.

Ian is starting to get faster at crawling. You can always tell when he’s about to go faster because he likes to put his head down and go. It’s kind of amusing to watch since he can’t see where he’s going, but his head is there to intercept any road blocks. He is definitely standing every chance he gets and he’s even doing it without holding on to anything. It’s not for long, but I did catch him balancing himself and standing on his own for a good 30 seconds (at least twice). That’s a record. He’s creeping along the couch a lot more (and he’s getting faster at it)….so Jesse thinks he’ll be walking soon. I can tell you, I can wait for that to happen.

There has been a change in Ian’s diet this month. He is no longer content with just baby food; now he has to have the same food mama and daddy are eating. That’s right, Ian started table foods this month. He began with bagels and has evolved into meatloaf, chicken, veggies, basically anything we’ll let him get away with. The doctor told us this could happen, but generally those who start around 9 months have siblings. Now that Ian is on table foods, I’m surprised Jesse hasn’t tried for burritos yet. That is the one meal Jesse has been waiting to give him. Ian has had all the components (guacamole, salsa, beef, cheese, rice), but there are still some he can’t have. According to the doctor, Ian shouldn’t be given any kind of poultry since it is kind of stringy and his teeth are not fully developed yet. Also, diary products are something that we have to wait on for a bit yet.

Since we are talking about teeth, Ian has learned a new concept – biting. We haven’t figured out if it’s a sign that he’s hungry or not; but he is definitely teething again. I’m hoping that they’ll come in two at a time again, but we’ll see. Although he is teething, he’s not drooling nearly as much as he used to. He’s still doing it, but it’s a bit more manageable now.

It is November and that means Ian has experienced his first Thanksgiving as well as his first visit with Santa Claus. Ian was able to enjoy the Thanksgiving meal. I ended up sharing everything on my plate with him (minus the turkey). We went and saw Santa on Tuesday and Ian took it really well. He wasn’t really sure how to take the entire experience, but, just like his father, once he got to the chest of silver pieces, he had no problem diving in to the experience.

Santa Claus


Ian met Santa Claus! Bright and early this morning, the two of us went to Somerset to visit with Santa Claus. It was the perfect time to go sine we were the first ones there and no one was waiting behind us. We were able to spend a little extra time with the jolly old man and I got more pictures than I thought I would. After his visit, Ian even got some loot….three silver coins he can spend at Somerset (but we’re just going to keep them). He even got to pick them out himself.

Ian Ian Ian

Ian Being Ian


First Thanksgiving


Ian celebrated his first thanksgiving this weekend and I’m thinking he enjoyed it. He was able to sit at the table with us and ate right from my plate. That means he had some sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, cranberry jelly stuff, and of course, pumpkin pie. He wasn’t allowed to have the turkey because of how stringy poultry is and he doesn’t exactly have that many teeth, but he still enjoyed everything. Next up is Christmas and a visit with Santa Claus. Still have to figure out when he’ll be around though.

Ian Ian

Vroom Vroom


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