wtf did I do?

Hold him, he cues that he’s hungry, you try to feed him, he sceams. The stupid lamaz class didn’t cover that. How about this- Jackie’s boobs are the wrong shape. wtf does that mean? They’re not square, they look like boobs to me. Ian screams. STOP SCREAMING. Not eating, but crapping like crazy- I don’t know how he ISN’T losing weight.

ugh. Slept on fugly chair now by back is all messed up. Ian slept in the other room. I was woken up by jackie trying to feed him, and of course him refusing to eat and screaming that bloodcurdling scream.

Please stop screaming.

He’s finally feeding, but who knows. Whether or not it’ll keep up is unknown. He’s sleeping now- thank god he’s sleeping. Ian, you are not starting out on the right foot.
