Draccus has been a lot more stabler lately, so I’m going to start uploading more videos. I probably won’t upload all of them, but I’ll get a select few up. As we take more videos, they’ll start popping up again.

Ian is starting to get more words in his vocabulary. Of course, you have to know what you’re hearing in order to understand him, but he has been saying “cup”, “no”, “thank you”, and “what’s this”. He’s not talking yet, but he’s getting there. However, his understanding is so good at the moment. At least for his age. I can ask him to go get his cup and he’ll get it. Even if it isn’t in the same room. The same goes for his shoes and random other things. He may not be able to say what they are, but he knows what is what.

He’s been catching the idea on a lot of things as well. For one, he’s understands that the toilet paper goes into the toilet. I’ve already fished out an entire (new) roll of toilet paper out of the toilet and he doesn’t try to take it anywhere else, but he’ll put it in the toilet…whether you’re sitting on it or not. :)

We’re slowly starting to potty train Ian (FYI Grandparents!). We have been introducing the potty seat to him for awhile now, but we’re actually going to give it a try. I’m sure it’s going to take awhile, but we’re hoping he’ll take to it.

There was something else I was going to say, but I can’t remember what it was. Ian does have 3 new molars now, which explains the crabbiness of the last week or so. I think the pain is done for the moment, though, since I haven’t had to give him any teething tablets. He still knows what those are and now where they are. He can’t get to them, but he can drag me over and point them out (which is his new thing).

Ian definitely knows what he wants. He’s starting to drag people to where he wants them and then asking to be picked up so he can reach something. It’s been nice because I know when he wants something to snack on, however, he knows where the oreos are generally kept and makes a beeline straight for them. If he doesn’t get what he wants, then he goes into a tantrum. They don’t bother me, but Jesse doesn’t have as much patience as I do. :)

Speaking of patience, Ian is a little monster at the dinner table and we’ve started trying to fix that. He likes to throw his food around and it’s really getting on our nerves (not that it hasn’t been for awhile now), so Ian is starting to get punished a little more. I really don’t feel comfortable taking his food away from him for the rest of the night, so we’ve been spanking him and putting him in his pack and play (which is in our bedroom) for a few minutes (which he crys through) and then bringing him back out. When he comes back out, his food isn’t in front of him, but it’s not far. Not sure if its working or not, but since we’ve started it, he seems to be doing better. I’ve also noticed that he has been doing a lot better since we have him sitting in a chair and not in his booster. I don’t know what it is about the chairs, he’s closer to his food maybe, but he seems to eat more. He still gets food off his plate, but there isn’t as much ending up on the floor. Maybe I’m wrong, but that is what it seems like.