We found out Ian was teething about a week ago and I’ve been looking for things to help ease his discomfort. I’ve come across a couple of remedies (both known and new) and I thought I would put them here for future reference. Here’s what I’ve found:

  • Hyland’s Teething Tablets – these were recommended to me by someone in one of my discussion boards. We’ve been using them for a bit now and they seem to be working. I like the fact that I can give 2-3 tablets up to 6 times a day. I don’t have to give Ian 2-3 tablets each time, in fact I’ve only had to give him 2 at a time and he seems to be fine. If I notice that he seems to be getting some discomfort, but it isn’t worthy of crying yet, I can give him 1 tablet and it helps a lot.
  • Tylenol – this helps everything. We tend to use this at night since we know how Ian is going to react to it. It’s still a drug though and we’re both hesitate to rely heavily on this. So, for now, Ian only gets this when it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Teething Rings – make sure you put these in both the freezer and refrigerator. We haven’t had much luck with the freezer ones yet. It seems they are too cold for Ian and they are also a bit for his mouth. I’ve found some triangular ones that Ian really seems to like. He can actually stick these in his mouth. Jesse says the round ones fail because they make the corner of Ian’s mouth cold.
  • Cold Washcloth – I basically wet a washcloth and stick it in the freezer for a bit. Ian likes to gnaw on fabric, so these are really good as long as I don’t leave them in the freezer too long. Once they get hard, Ian doesn’t like them as much because he can’t clutch at them.
  • Gentle Naturals Teething Drops – I haven’t really tried these yet, but Lori’s neighbor recommended these. I’ve found them at Walgreens and Meijers. Once I’ve tried these, I’ll post a comment on what I think.
  • My Finger – Ian loves grabbing a hold of my finger and sticking it in his mouth. It’s not a long term fix (at least not in my opinion, but Ian seems to think so), but it is a temporary fix until you can get something else. It helps calm him down

If anyone else has any recommendations, we’ll gladly take them.