Today was so beautiful that the three of us went out. First went to the doctor’s office to do a weight check and guess what…..he is a tubby 15lbs and 14oz. Yes, my little man is definitely a porker and he loves his milk.

Next, we went to the library to check out some books. At the same time, Ian registered with the Sunshine Club. The library has a summer reading program and Ian is getting credit for every book we read to him. For every 25 books, he gets a prize that Jesse, I’m sure, will enjoy. Here is a list of books we have already read:

  • Black on White by Tana Hoban
    This author was recommended to us by Zsolt and Kristian. The book had a bunch of black objects on a white background, which definitely had Ian’s attention.
  • White on Black by Tana Hoban
    Another book that was recommended by Zsolt and Kristian. This one had white images on a black background, again, Ian was drawn to the pictures.
  • What Makes a Rainbow by Betty Schwartz
    This was a book that Trish (aka PJ) gave us. It may not sound like a boy’s book, but it has more meaning to mama since she met Trish at Rainbow (if you don’t know, don’t ask :)).
  • A Treasury of Curious George by Margret and HA Rey
    This has a bunch of stories in it, however, we’ve only gotten to the first two – Curious George Takes a Train and Curious George Visits a Toy Store. I’m sure we’ll finish the book tomorrow.
  • Aesop’s Fables
    We started reading this one to Ian while I was still pregnant. We haven’t finished it yet, but since it’s a bunch of smaller stories, it’s the easiest one to have in his diaper bag in case we need something while we’re on the road. We’ll probably finish it this summer.

The summer program has only started and we’ll probably start making weekly trips up to the library to find new books. So if you want to recommend anything good for Ian, please let me know. I’m always interested in finding new ones. Some of the books on our list to read are:

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and playing around with a couple new books. I was at Target last night and found these teether books. They are cloth books that have some hard parts too for Ian to munch on and the middle page even squeaks when squeezed. One of them has three languages on it – English, Spanish, and French. We also took the following video of Ian and Jesse playing around with a couple of rattles. You’ll notice that Ian is starting to grasp and shake items at random. I don’t think he realizes what he is doing yet, but he is noticing the noise he is making (I think). Ian is definitely getting better with his hand coordination, especially when it means putting something in his mouth. So far, he has only started chewing on his burp clothes and toys – thankfully he isn’t crawling yet.