


We had Ian out in the snow for the first time. Well, it wasn’t his first encounter with snow, we did take him out once last February, but this was his first trip INTO the snow. :)  I shouldn’t say this is Ian’s first taste of snow since , but we really didn’t allow him to get INTO the snow.  This year we did.  He hasn’t been crazy about it at first because he wouldn’t keep his gloves on.  Once he had them on, and then went into the snow, he took it a little better.  He has a hard time moving in his snowsuit, but he wanted to go back out the next day.

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Mexican Jumping Bean


Ian has figured out how to jump. He loves doing it. He’s been slowly learning how to do it on our bed for a couple of months, but now he has the confidence to do it on the hard wood floor. The whole house rattles when he does it too.

Christmas Greetings


A friend of ours posted a Christmas Greeting featuring her 3 year old. Ian got a kick out of it and Jesse tried to get him to say “Merry Christmas”.

Thanksgiving @ the Morgans


Ian was being a little clingy after Thanksgiving dinner today (without his regular nap, not totally unexpected), so Uncle Jamie kept him occupied for a little bit and took him upstairs.  Jesse comes up to me and says “Ian is with Jamie, you should go rescue him”.  “You go rescue him, I don’t see why I should be worried.”

Yeaaah, those were famous last words.  Jesse goes up and checks on him and finds Jamie and Ian and then runs down for the camera.  All I can say is I have complete trust….

And then I remembered why I don’t leave my camera laying around for Ian to find.  I didn’t even know he took this until I was uploading the pictures from the camera to my laptop.  The audio on it is hilarious.



Jayson and Lori have been teaching Ian to sign what he wants and he’s supposedly doing it in this video, but I’m not sure what the sign is. Either way, here’s a video of Ian with his Uncle Jayson.

Updated to add more description from Lori:

the signing he is doing is for more and please. more is touching your fingers together and please in the up and down on his stomach… it is suppose to be with just one hand, however, ian is doing it with both, same thing

Nights of Hell


So this is what we’ve been dealing with for the past three nights.

Saturday night, Ian went to sleep fine, but he woke up about 2am and would not go back to sleep.  Jesse and I ended up reading to him for over an hour before he fell asleep.  Although, he did sleep until 10:30 Sunday morning.

Last night, I was probably the worse…he wakes up about 4am and screams his head off for me to come see him.  I go in there, comfort him a little and he calms down almost instantly, and I lay him back in his crib.  He then starts screaming again.  I tell him to lay down and sit in his rocker and he calms down.  When I thought he was sleeping, I would try and sneak out, but he would wake up and start screaming.  I had to sit in his chair for 2 hours this morning.

And then tonight, Jesse had the same problem…

Ian has been screaming, unprompted for hours for the last 2 days. Doc says let him scream it out, but I wanted video of what we were dealing with.

Table Walking


I don’t know what it is, but Ian walking under this table was just amusing to me. Maybe it was the way he was walking, but he felt the need to go back and forth underneath it a few times.

Matchbox Cars


I’m not sure what it was, but Ian went nuts over the matchbox cars at Nana’s house this weekend. He’s seen them before but you would have thought they were the newest and hottest toy he had yet to see.

Holiday Baking


This weekend we did some holiday baking and Ian was all over helping us out. Here are a few pictures plus a video:

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