2009.10.31-Halloween.01.jpgOh yes, Ian scored the loot this year.  The little monkey went as a dinosaur and he was his usual adorable self.  He had all the neighbors ahhing over his costume and at quite a few scored some extra candy due to his cuteness.  He even got me.

Last year, he didn’t quite get the whole “trick or treat” idea and ended up just saying “please” when he made it to the doors.  This year, he got the saying down and then some.  He would go up, do his “trick or treat” and say thank you.  The completely adorable part was when he added “happy halloween” to his thank yous.  He must have caught me saying it the couple of times I did and he decided to add it on.  There was even a couple of times where he went back to the door so he could tell them “happy halloween”.  Go ahead, imaging a two year old saying “happy halloween” and not think it’s the most adorable thing ever.

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On Thursday, Jesse’s work had its annual trick or treating for the little kids and Ian had a blast there as well.  He scored some loot and it was a good trial run for his costume.  During the walkthrough, I realized I was going to have to do some fabric surgery on his costume so he would stay on him a little better and it also gave him a chance to show it off. He loves the tail, I’m not sure why, but whenever he wears it, he likes to swing his butt around.