Archive for October, 2008

3T Clothes


I just transitioned Ian’s cloths to all 2T (yes, that’s what he’s wearing now), so I’m starting my hunt for size 3T.  If anyone comes across any good deals (either online or at stores), can you let me know?  I’m preparing for next summer when I think he’ll be entering that phase, so I don’t need anything now, but I’m starting to collect it now so I don’t have to get it all at once next year.


Nana & Her Gifts


Nana came up to visit today and she had some fun with her grandson. One of the things she brought with her was a new snowsuit for Ian. For some reason, when she first told me she found it, I was thinking it was a one piece snowsuit; however, this is even better. Not only did it come with a coat, but it’s two pieces. I so prefer these kinds of suits, but now I need to find a set of snow pants…

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A couple of other things Nana brought with her was a box full of cookies from Louie’s Bakery. Personally, I’ve never had cookies from there, but my sister loves them. After tasting one tonight, I see why she’s so insistent on getting one whenever she’s visit the family. I can tell you that Ian loved the cookies. He latched onto the one and didn’t let go until it was all on his mouth.

The other thing Nana brought was this cute little black cat doll. The best part of it is that Ian can push the head down and it ticks off for a bit and then jumps up and says something. I can’t think of what it says right now, but whatever it is, Ian just goes into giggle convulsions over it. If you haven’t seen them yet, then you should check out the videos. They are priceless.

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And lastly, Nana also brought Ian his first pumpkins. Since we were in the apartment last year, we really didn’t get any pumpkins to carve up or really did much for Halloween. This year, however, we’re going all out. Nana brought up the first pumpkin victims. We were showing Ian the pumpkins and he was all about lifting them up. He couldn’t quite get the orange one off the ground without daddy’s help, but the tiny one….he loved carrying that one around.

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Halloween Cat


Monster Giggles


Ian was in such a happy mood tonight that it was infectious…..

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Jesse and Ian




So Photogenic…


We kind of had an impromptu’d photo session today.  Ian was having fun with some bubble wrap (videos coming later tonight) and he actually decided to sit still for some photos.  Here are some of my favorites:


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