I know he’s suppose to, but we have been having trouble keeping the pounds on Ian. According to the doctors, he’s suppose to be gaining an ounce a day. Well, He just surpassed his birth weight on Friday – he is now a solid 8 lbs. This means no more weekly doctor appointments. We’ve been having to go in every five days since he wasn’t gaining that much weight, but now our next appointment is until he’s two months old.

Ian is definitely doing better. He’s eating a lot more and more often (hence the weight gain); his congestion is still there, but it is not as bad as it was a week ago; and he is still not sleeping in his bed. A couple of books that have been recommended to us are on their way here as I write. We’re not sure if they will work, but hey, all the help we can get right now will work. All three have been recommended to us as being “this is the ONE book that helped us get our child to sleep”, so once we get them, Jesse and I will give a review over the books.

In other news, I slept in my bed today! Mom came up today and watched Ian so Jesse and I could actually sleep in our bed and together. I forgot what it felt like to sleep in my bed and with my husband. :) Marcia is coming up next weekend and watching Ian so Jesse and I can do it again. Hopefully by then, we’ll be able to get Ian to sleep in his bed.

Ian is definitely becoming more alert while he’s awake. He is able to follow some objects with his eyes and he is gripping things in his hands with a good amount of strength. His eyes are open more and he’s not crying as often, which is helping us out a lot. Jesse and I took Ian out for a bit more than just picking daddy up from work. We were able to check out the Community Center to see what they have to offer as well as do a little shopping in Target last night. Ian started getting a little fussy 10 minutes into Target, but that was also an hour after we picked up Daddy.

I think that’s it for now. I’m sure I’m missing something, but that’ll just give me more content for later. Here’s another picture of our little one.